Welcome, thanks for discovering this blog and taking the time to find out more.
It is a pretty random collection of posts of curiosities, museum exhibits, public green spaces and other things that have piqued my interest as I’ve wandered around the city.
I’m a London Blue Badge Guide, which means that I get to spend my days taking visitors around London and showing them things and places that they might not have found on their own, or ‘deep diving’ into an area, a site or a museum to bring out stories and try to reveal something beyond the usual tourist view.
If you’re interested in booking me for a tour, email me here, or there are some of the things I do on Tours By Locals (although it will always be cheaper to come direct. Hint, hint.) There’s more info about the sort of things I do at donbrown.london
If you want to see the geographical spread of posts, here’s a map! I’ve tried to put the locations on the map referred to in the blog posts. Click on a location pin and there’ll be a link (or more than one link) to the relevant text. Further updates and classifications to come.